Saturday, February 27, 2021

On deck: spring courses!

They're coming, they're coming! The spring course lineup is in place and registration for members begins March 1 on our website, If you're not a member, you can join on the website, too.

What's in store? Plenty:

  • The Current Supreme Court
  • Experimenting with Watercolors
  • Restoration Ecology in Maine
  • The Relevance of Old Stories
  • Sexuality in the Greco-Roman World
  • Introduction to Folklore: Genres
Sound like fun? It will be. Complete descriptions are on the website. All classes are on Zoom; help getting started in that program is readily available.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Finally! It's been a long winter, with more to come, but it's time to think about spring learning. Classes begin the week of March 22. Registration will open at the beginning of March. Courses are being finalized as we speak, but you can look for topics including: 

  • watercolor painting
  • the Supreme Court
  • folklore/folkways
  • endangered species
  • sexuality in Greek-Roman times. 
What a variety! And while you're waiting, don't miss member Judy Hakola talking to WABI-TV about the wonders of Senior College:

Friday, February 12, 2021

Something(s) to look forward to

It's a while until spring courses begin the week of March 22. But never fear: two dynamic presentations are on the horizon!

  • First comes an exploration of that gem in Bradley, the Maine Forest and Logging Museum (sometimes known as Leonard's Mills). There's lots of fascinating stuff, including the working water-powered sawmill, the famous Lombard log hauler, and more. Herb Crosby, our presenter, has been involved with the project from the beginning. He taught Mechanical Engineering Technology at UMaine.
  • Then comes "Native American Studies 101," which will include a discussion of Native demographics and regional similarities/differences, with a focus on the local tribes. It will also cover perceptions of Native people in media and popular culture. Presenter Lisa Neuman teaches anthropology and Native American Studies at UMaine.
Members can sign up now on our website, at

Not a member? Now's the time to join! Use the same link to get signed up, or call Sheila Krautkremer at 659-1359.