Thursday, March 26, 2020

At-home learning #11

We're continuing our very long list of ways to keep learning and stay sane:

Follow your bliss
You didn't get to learn something new from one of our wonderful PVSC instructors. So? Teach yourself more about something you already love. One member spent a happy morning going down Google rabbit holes and digging out books, pursuing her love of opera. (Okay, it was me, trying to fit the major composers onto a mental timeline, which turned into a written timeline.)  It may not exactly be structured learning, the kind you'd get in a classroom, but it IS learning. We do what we can!

Keep your spirits up
As this thing goes on, find cheer wherever you can. Plant some seeds in pots. Buy flowers. Sing. Listen to music. Watch comedies. Most important: keep talking to friends and family by phone, Skype, FaceTime.

Revisit an old hobby or start a new one
Admittedly, this might be easier said than done. You might need supplies that aren't readily available. But if you have a half-knitted sweater or a bunch of soap- or candle-making stuff hiding in your house, this would be a great time to revisit them.

One of the easiest old or new hobby to work on right now is collage. Unless you're extravagantly organized, you have magazines and newspapers that can be cut up, their parts assembled in new ways. As your inclinations take you, you can go beyond the bulletin-board type inspirational collage, with cut-out words, and move more toward artistic expression. Maybe even go beyond paper and use 3D objects. The good news: there's no wrong way to make a collage!