Monday, January 13, 2020

Chasing the winter blahs

Let winter do its thing outdoors. We have two exciting and very different programs designed to brighten a couple of winter days. Both are free to members; guests are welcome if there's room. Please register by calling 659-1359 or emailing

The After-Life: Pursuit of a Full Life After Retirement 
Friday, January 24, 10:00-noon, 138 Eastport, UMA-Bangor,

These two intrepid explorers, PVSC members Betty Jamison and Kris Reid, will narrate their ambitious efforts to hold off old-age decrepitude. They've been in the Alps, on Kilimanjaro, and to Everest Base Camp, as well as the C&O Canal (on bikes) the Appalachian Trail (on feet), and other destinations. How do they do it? Come find out!

Muslim Women: Culture vs. Religion
Monday, February 10 (Snow Date: Wednesday February 26)
138 Eastport, UMA-Bangor, 10:00-noon.

Dina Yacoubagha and Marwa Elkelani (Hassanien) will answer all your questions about Islam and women. This is a follow-up to last spring's informative session about Islam, and will focus especially on separating religion and culture, especially as they apply to Muslim women. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Our contact info has changed as of January 1, part of exciting changes that will make PVSC even more user-friendly. See post below for details.

Please note this new contact info, which is  also on our sidebar:

Mailing address:
499 Broadway
P.M.B. #274
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 659-1359
Administrative Assistant: Sheila Krautkremer