Monday, August 31, 2020

It's here! it's here!

The Fall course catalog is out! Courses begin September 29, and we're excited about the slate we've put together. Classes cover everything from A(rt) to V(eterinary medicine), with lots in between. 

Courses will be on Zoom, because that's what we have, these strange days. But fear not--it's easy, and help is available. 

Check out all the goodness on our website,

Won't it be good to be back in class?!

Monday, August 17, 2020

And did we mention . . .

 . . . Summer learning continues into fall at Senior Colleges around the state. Check out the last-minute opportunities at nearby SCs.

And if you're thinking about fall courses, our catalog is about to come out. Lots of good stuff, from race and privilege to Poe and Maine poetry to watercolor painting. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

On through August with the Variety Show

Bari Newport wowed us with her discussion of regional theater and Penobscot Theatre Company in particular. (Keep your eyes open for the Theatre's announcement of its exciting line-up for next season. No, it's not live, but there's tremendous fun, stimulation, and creativity in what they're offering. Check it out!)

Coming up in our lovely Variety Show: 

African-American history in Bangor, Wednesday, August 19

German POW camps in Maine in World War II, Wednesday and Thursday, August 26 and 27

The ins and outs of self/cooperative publishing, Monday, August 31.

To register, call or email Sheila Krautkremer, or 659-1359.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Summer learnin’, cont.

Our summer offerings are halfway along, but it’s not too late to get in on the deliciousness. The Variety Show runs to the end of August. Next up: Prof. Steve Norton and “The Iceman Cometh: Maine Lakes”—exploration of water, ice, weather, and climate to explain some of Maine lake behavior.

Still ahead: The history of regional theatre in the US, African-Americans’ important role in Bangor’s history, and a two-part presentation on POW camps in Maine In WWII.

We’ve been thrilled with the turnout for all our experiments with Zoom presentations. The Variety Show attracts 40-50 members each week, as have our one-time special events. The short story discussion group is going strong with more dynamic discussions every week.

We’re grateful for our trusty Board of Directors. They saw the lockdown coming, met it head-on, and, as the business people say, pivoted nimbly to keep folks learning and engaged all summer.