We've been so busy with the last-minute summer jaunts and the start of fall classes that this blog has gone without posts for a while now. The good news: fall courses are off and running, and feedback says this is likely to be an excellent semester.
The variety is large. One class is enjoying a crash course in the highlights of Western music (as in European-American, not country-and-western), taught by retired UM professor of music Dennis Cox. Another group has just organized its road trip to Calas and the St. Croix historic site, the conclusion of Ray Pelletier's short course on that first European settlement in North America.
Other students are waxing creative as they learn watercolor techniques, or exploring the world of science fiction, or learning about DNA. And more. There's always something to learn with no pressure--just for fun and stimulation.
And there's a bonus: you can meet new people while you're investigating new ideas.
If you're not already a member, come on down! Join up and be ready for spring courses!