Future generations are going to ask "What was it like during the pandemic?" much the way we asked our parents or grandparents what the Great Depression or World War II era was like. We're living one of the most significant events of our lifetime--maybe the most significant--so we should be making a record of it. You could do any or all of these things, and more:
- Make a pandemic scrapbook.
- Take pictures of yourself with your mask on.
- Jot down things that surprise you about isolation.
- Save a few key newspaper articles.
- List the things you've done this week.
- Write down a few reflections: how are you feeling about all this? do your feelings change from day to day? what are the challenges of isolation?
- If you're computer-savvy, make an collection of your favorite pandemic videos.
- Collect a few choice sayings or experiences of family members. Or make them all write something about what lockdown is like for them. After all, you're probably the family matriarch or patriarch, so you're a natural as the organizer of the family archive.
- Take pictures in your neighborhood or downtown that show what things are like. Is the playground barricaded? Is there chalk art on the streets and sidewalks? Have their been bear hunts or birthday parades, or any of the other things people are doing to keep the kiddos' spirits up? Do any of the stores have fun or poignant messages on their doors?