PVSC's free, innovative summer series is in place on our website, where you can register for any or all of the following. Click the images for information about each.
*Beginning July 8: The PVSC Variety Show, with speakers on fascinating topics, sort of like a mini-mini-course. One hour/week on Wednesdays at 4:00.
* July 10: A virtual tour of UMaine's Food Science Innovation Center, which finds new ways to use Maine food products. Learn about everything from cheese pressing to blast freezing.
* Beginning July 16: Short Stories for Our Time, a book-group-style discussion of short stories. One hour per week on Thursdays at 4:00.
Programs are free, but you must register to get a Zoom link. Details are on our website: http://www.penobscotvalleyseniorcollege.org. Click "Register," then "Courses."