Your trusty blog writer has been absent for a bit, working to help get our two summer series underway. It's exciting to see how happily local seniors are taking to learning on Zoom: both series are pretty well at capacity. Turns out, not only can you teach old dogs news tricks, but old dogs can learn new tricks all by themselves!
Folks attending the Variety Show on Wednesdays at 4:00 have learned about a critical Supreme Court decision from the current session, Ramos v. Louisiana, and heard an overview of how waves and beaches work. Next week we'll take up "Brainstorming the Bicentennial: Past and Present Perspectives on Maine at 200," with history professor Liam Riordan.
Our book group-style discussion class, "Stories for Our Time" launched yesterday with a wonderful sharing of ideas about two pieces by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Next week, two startling stories by the ever-unpredictable George Saunders.
Good things are happening at PVSC, despite the restrictions imposed by Covic-19!