Monday, January 18, 2021

Slogging through January

So: we have vaccines on the horizon, if not actually here; a new administration in Washington; some warmish January days; the days getting ever-so-slowly lighter. And spring courses in the works. Let's whistle a happy tune and call the winter half over!

Our February ukulele course is on the horizon (and we finally learned to spell "ukulele"). And come March, it will be time to register for our spring semester! We've already confirmed two:

  • Sol Goldman's perennial favorite, on the 2021 Supreme Court cases, and
  • Kal Elmore teaching water color painting
Rabbi Darah Lerner is on deck; stay tuned for her exact topic. More courses are coming; your trusty Curriculum Committee is hard at work, as always. Everything will be on Zoom, but then, that's the way we live now, isn't it? 

Stay warm and safe. It won't be that long until we'll see one another's faces in class