Wednesday, March 18, 2020

At-home learning, #3

Today's Bangor Daily has a list of restaurants and stores offering pick-up and delivery services. The City has created parking spaces especially for this purpose. See the "Food" section of today's paper or go to

More ways to keep the brain active while isolating:

Try Great Courses:
On offer: a month free trial, rather than two weeks. A huge range of thorough instruction by experts. Use the code FREEMO at checkout. Don't forget to cancel in a month!

One-stop shopping for FREE courses, audio books, movies, language learning, and more (even museum coloring pages!):

Explore foreign film: You'll have to track them down, but it's a starting point.

Ken Burns' "Baseball," free at PBS:

Art/crafts projects, especially to do with grandkids:
On Facebook, search mcharper manor. Tutorials are live-streamed daily, with links to video for later use.

National parks, from your sofa: