Tuesday, March 24, 2020

At-home learning #9

Experts say that whatever you can do at home is important and necessary for these aging bodies.

  • Walk around the house while you're on the phone. 
  • Dance, with or without actual music. 
  • Dig out those resistance bands and use them. 
  • Do knee bends and stretches while you're watching (lots of ?!) TV. 
  • Go up and down the stairs as many times as you can comfortably manage. 
  • And, of course, keep walking around the neighborhood, alone or at a 6-ft. distance from a friend.
Listen to poetry
Patrick Stewart reads one Shakespeare sonnet each day. On YouTube, search for Patrick Stewart.

Write letters and cards
If you usually email, a  real letter would be fun. Or a card, maybe a self-printed or hand-drawn one. If you have stash of greeting cards, write cheery messages and bundle them up for a nursing home.

A chapter a day
OK, maybe you won't get through War and Peace. But what if you got out a dusty book that you always meant to read and just read the first chapter? Maybe the second chapter the next day? Who knows where it might lead?