We've been focusing on ways to keep learning online, but of course we can't spend all day staring at screens. Please help us create a giant list of non-media things to do. Use the email form in the right-hand panel.
Here are more suggestions, both online and not, for learning and staying cheerful (scroll down for many more):
Tackle those long-put-off projects:
Clean a closet. Clear out a drawer. Tackle that lo-o-o-ng book or movie.
Try something new:
You know the experts say the only way to keep the older brain from rotting is to give it new challenges. The newspaper has possibilities: Sudoku, crossword, Jumble, or Scrabble. Pages you don't usually read, like financial, food, Homestead.
Dig out an old cookbook and try a new recipe. Or see what new dish you can put together from ingredients already in the pantry.
Finally learn how to use Skype, Google Hangouts, or FaceTime so you can keep in closer touch with distant friends and family.
Watch the jellyfish and penguins and hippos:
And the otters, penguins, sharks, sea lions and more! Check out the Monterey Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium's live webcams. The Cincinnati Zoo will have a live "safari" daily at 3 PM on Facebook, which will also be available as videos on their webpage:
Explore outer space:
NASA has put its entire photo collection online at https://www.nasa.gov/content/nasa-images-archive#.XnInJahKi70
Learn about classical music:
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra has made its "classroom edition" of concerts available for free:
Watch dance, theater, opera:
The Folger Shakespeare Library offers a list of Shakespeare plays and adaptations available on your favorite streaming service:
You could also consider a trial membership in a streaming content provider. On Broadway HD, a free week plus $9 for the next month gets you all Broadway shows you can handle. Marquee TV (British dance, theater, opera) offers a full month trial membership. But put the cancellation date on your calendar!